Couples Ministry

Me & Darleen

It is easy to focus on the aggravations, annoyances, and behaviors that frustrate or anger us in marriage. This can cause us to lose sight of the significant gifts of kindness and service our spouse gives us every day. If our attitude is critical or negative, we will miss much of the joy of married life. Rachael Philips, in her article for Kyria's Marriage Partnership, suggests we should learn to appreciate the “daily behind-the-scenes good deeds of unsung spouses.”

Why is it easier to criticize than encourage our spouse? How does negativity and criticism damage a marriage? How can a heart of appreciation deepen and strengthen a marriage? This study will explore how to train our hearts and minds to be thankful for our spouse.

SCRIPTURE: Ruth 2:4–20, 4:13–17; 2 Corinthians 10:3–5; Galatians 5:13–26; Ephesians 4:25–5:2; Philippians 2:1–11; 1 Thessalonians 5:12–18

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Mutual respect and admiration are the results of godly character and sacrificial love in marriage.

When our marriage is a reflection of Christ’s love, sacrifice, service, and humility, God is glorified and we are unified.

We have the power, in the Holy Spirit, to destroy the strongholds in our marriage that produce destructive attitudes and behaviors.

An attitude of respect, appreciation, and thanksgiving for our spouse pleases God and strengthens our marriage.


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